Funding Process

Streamlined process

Fund in 10 days!

Funds directly to your bank account!
We believe in a straightforward funding process which allows us to close loans fast. Our streamlined approach let's us expedite funding, unlike banks and most lenders. While most of the funding process is similar for all of our secured business loan programs, there are a few key differences between the Bridge Loan, Residential Loan, and Commercial Loan programs; the main difference being the turnaround time needed for the appraisal report. Bridge Loan appraisals take 2-5 days. Residential Loan appraisals take 4 - 7 days. Commercial Loan appraisals can take 5 - 15 days depending on location and availability.
Step 1
(Day 1)
Once all loan approval documents have been submitted your loan will be reviewed by an Account Executive to ensure completeness. They will then proceed to assign your loan to an underwriter for loan approval.
(Day 2 - 3)
Underwiting will review your loan documents within 24-48 hours or less; your loan will either be approved or declined.
(Day 3 - 8)
The appraisal will be ordered only after loan approval has been issued. After appraisal payment has been made your loan will be assigned to an appraiser who will reach out to you to schedule a time to view the property.
(Day 9)
Underwriting will review the appraisal report and clear any final conditions needed to fund your loan. At this point the "clear-to-close" will be issued and funding can be scheduled. The closing agent will reach out to and schedule a time to close; we work with closing agents in all states who will come to YOU.
(DaY 10)
We're at the finish line! The closing agent will meet you at your designated funding location (home, work, Starbucks, etc.) and you will sign the loan funding documents. Once complete, the closing agent will send the signed copy to the Funding Department to ensure all signatures were completed and, if so, grant the OK to disburse your loan funds. The vast majority of borrowers prefer the funds to be directly wired to their bank account. In the event you'd prefer the funds issued via certified check we can accommodate this request using FedEx overnight shipping.